Be Radical


  • of, relating to, or proceeding from the origin or root
  • favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions
  • unusual

Let me be clear. I am over my days of being radical for the sake of appearing radical. I left that behind in my 20’s. Now I promote radical lifestyles as a means to come back to our natural state of well being and happiness.

These days it is more and more important for people to fit into the social norm, whichever social circle they happen to belong to.

Our ‘norm’ varies depending on who we are identifying as and identifying with. Our need to fit in often overrides our need to be ourselves and take care of our personal needs, especially as our needs change. The approval of those we love can prevent us from fulfilling our heart’s desires. This manifests in the choices we make in the moment, day to day, and even in the big life choices. ‘What would my [fill in the blank of someone close to you who is in a different place in their life] say if they knew I was thinking about changing careers again?’ ‘What would they say if I decided to go vegetarian, or start taking yoga classes, or go on a Circus Fitness retreat, or start home schooling my children, or prioritizing my needs?’

We have the privilege to make big choices that affect our lives. Unfortunately we are conditioned to think that the more we work, and the more stress we put ourselves through, we become more worthy and respected by the world around us. This is the culture we were brought up in, and it is hard to escape.

We have to earn our happiness. WHAT?

That is crazy. When have you ever looked at a baby and thought, ‘ Wow, this baby will really have to work to earn her happiness in life.’ Yes, life takes work and responsibility. Yes, growth takes a lot of work. But happiness and well being is our birthright.

I am suggesting that we start choosing joy. That in itself is radical!

Don’t get me wrong. Choosing joy does NOT mean we are happy and blissed out all the time like our 23 year old bendy yoga teacher says. Joy is a state of being which includes the gamut of all emotional, physical, and mental experiences. It is about releasing resistance to what is and experiencing life with wonder, welcoming difficult sensations, and staying connected to what is actually present. We hear these words a lot, and may judge them as hippy-dippy, woowoo, or new age. But if we look deeper into applying these principals into our own lives, it becomes practical work that actually creates positive change. It is the social norm to write off new age terms as bullshit without giving them a try. But I call that cop out as bullshit. If you knock it before you try it (by trying it I mean committing to it long enough to make change), you are just cheating yourself out of the possibility of a better, brighter life.

OK. Dharma talk over…for now. Just know that I believe fully in this philosophy, and if you want to work with me, you have to be open to DOING the work.

You have to WANT to feel better.

So how does this apply to fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, etc?

That is where the radical work begins. Since self loathing and earning your self worth is the cultural norm, it is a radical movement to choose joy. Joy isn’t conditional. Joy isn’t earned. Joy is there waiting for us to choose it, and get out of our own way to merge with it. When you do this, I guarantee people will criticize you for being lazy, selfish, hippy, new age, out of your mind and ‘digging yourself into a hole’. That is their fears talking, not their wisdom. When they say this to you, here is what you can say in return, “Yes, I know I may seem radical to you, but my choices are making me happy and setting myself up for a better life than I have now. It is ok that you disagree with me. I still love you.” What can they say to that?

Once we choose Joy, we can start to learn and apply the tools to improve our physical, emotional, and mental bodies, make space for more fulfilling practices and activities, and give and receive more love and pleasure.

Everything I offer from CIRCUS FITness to nutritional support, to lifestyle coaching, to practical goal setting, organization, and follow through begin with a choice for prioritizing your needs, choosing self worth and joy, and being willing to do ‘the work.’

Shall we begin?