Kerri’s List

Advice, Strategies, and Inspiration for Living a Better Life!

ReWild yourself

Go to Nature

Bursts of Spontanaety

Move your Body


Invite Creativity to every day tasks

Follow Impulses (They are God talking to you.)

Watch your tendency towards blame, judgement, and anxiety.

Remember You are Worthy of Joy and Ease.

Organize your Life Better

Eat & Sleep at the same time every day.

Schedule time for Work, Play, Rest, and Exercise.

LISTEN to your BODY! It’s always communicating with you.

Heal Yourself. Don’t let anyone take your power away.

Heal our Mama! The planet needs us!

Plant Trees – virtually or phyiscally

Ride your bike, walk, or take public transit.

Stop supporting the commercial meat and dairy industry!


Educate Yourself!

Watch Last Week Tonight w John Oliver.

Create Sacred Space

Nourish your body

Stop eating commercially farmed meat and dairy.

Stop eating snack foods.

NO PALM OIL. Boycott this product!

Naturally occurring sugar only.

Oils and Fats are our Friends. Avocados, Coconuts, Seeds, Olives…

Eat dessert in the afternoon instead of at night.

Eat meals. Sit down with a plate/bowl of food and eat it uninterrupted.

Eat more Plants!

Eat FOOD. Can you tell what you are eating by looking at it?

Reward Yourself with treats that feed all parts of you. Be careful of ‘Rewards’ that harm you.

Cacao is magic. Eat and drink more cacao. Respect the medicine, and Receive the healing.